Rio Conventions Pavilion


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UNFCCC COP24, Katowice, Polland

The Rio Conventions, GEF and Partners are pleased to announce the Rio Conventions Pavilion programme at CBDCOP24, in Katowice. The programme will run from 6-8 December, 2018.
Venue: Pavilion Area, Zone H, hosted by the GEF in the GEF Partnership Pavilion 

Programme Overview (full programme available here)

See programme highlights and interviews here

Thursday 6 December 

09:30-10:00: From Egypt to Poland: Opening Message of the Rio Conventions Pavilion (GEF, CBD) 

Private Sector Contributions to Integrated Achievement of the Rio Conventions Objectives

Programme here

10:00-11:30: Private Sector Leadership Forum: Funding, Strategies and Opportunities (RTCC)
11:30-13:00: Driving Climate Innovation in Developing Countries (RTCC)

Synergies in Implementation of the Rio Conventions
13:30-15:00: Integrating the Implementation of the Rio Conventions: Opportunities and Concrete Steps (UNCCD, FAO, Government of Uganda, GEF) 

Friday 7 December 

Ecosystem Restoration
09:30-11:00: Towards a Joint Peatland Declaration: Synergies of MEAs to reverse the trend on peatland degradation (Wetlands International, Global Peatlands Initiative, Ramsar Convention) Programme here

11:00-12:30 Earth Systems to the Rescue: How to lock in carbon without depending on blue sky technologies (CGIAR, ICRAF and partners) Programme here

Sustainable Infrastructure
13:00-14:30: Implementing the Mitigation Hieararchy (BirdLife, Equator Principles Association, GEF, CSBI) Programme here.

14.30-16.00: Nature-based Approaches for Climate-Resilient Infrastructure (WWF, GIZ) Programme here

Saturday 8 December

Integrated Approaches 
14:00-15:45: Building on Synergies of the Rio Conventions to Implement Nature-based Solutions for Climate Change (IUCN, BirdLife, CBD, WWF, GEF) Programme here.

17:00-17:30: Closing of the Rio Conventions Pavilion: Conclusions and Message to UNCCD COP14 (UNCCD, GEF, CBD)