Rio Conventions Pavilion


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News & Documents

Press Releases

- Rio Conventions join forces for sustainable development and the future we want, June 13

Rio Conventions Pavilion Bulletin - A Daily Report of the Rio Conventions Pavilion (Published by IISD)

- Day 1 - Pavilion opening
- Day 2 - Africa Day and Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities Day
- Day 3 - Ecosystem-based Adaptation Day
- Day 4 - Oceans Day
- Day 5 - Securing Healthy Soils and Stopping Land Degradation within a Generation: Outcomes for Rio+20 World Day to Combat Desertification Global Observance Event
- Day 6 - Business Day
- Day 7 - Financing Sustainable Development Day
- Day 8 - Gender Mainstreaming Day
- Day 9 - 20th Anniversary of the Rio Conventions
Day 10 - Cities Day / Pavilion Closing Event

The Rio Conventions launch a joint publication on forests at Rio+20: “Action on Forests” explains the activities under the CBD, UNFCCC and UNCCD to save and restore the world’s forests
Download Document
Rio+20_Handbook Download Handbook
Rio+20_Forests_booklet Download Document

News from RTCC