Rio Conventions Pavilion


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Rio Conventions Pavilion at CBD COP11 Programme 

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Moving forward from Rio+20 to Hyderabad, a full daily programme of events was hosted in the Rio Conventions Pavilion at the margins of CBD COP11, from 9 - 18 October 2012.

9 Oct: Towards Integrated Science, Monitoring and Assessments for the Rio Conventions

Importance of integrated science across the Rio Conventions, including perspectives on observations/monitoring, research, assessments, and science needs for ecosystem-based adaptation (DIVERSITAS, IAI, CI, ATREE, Future Earth, GEO, UNDP, UNEP, IUCN, Governments of South Africa and India, CBD)

10 Oct: Protected Areas as Natural Solutions to Biodiversity Targets and Global Environmental Challenges

The key roles that protected areas, under different governance and management regimes, can play in promoting cost-effective and sustainable solutions to climate change and land and resource management (Led by LifeWeb and IUCN WCPA) 

11 Oct: Tree Diversity Day

The role and relevance of tree diversity in landscapes across the three Conventions, with focused session on rural poverty reduction, food security, nutrition and health, and sustainable management of natural resources (ICRAF, CIFOR, Biodiversity International, CIAT, and partners)

12 Oct: Special Breakfast Workshop: National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs)

In this breakfast workshop, the GEF Secretariat, CBD Secretariat, UNDP and UNEP will describe a new partnership that will support countries in transforming their NBSAPs into a roadmap for achieving the Aichi Targets.

12 Oct: Livelihoods Day

Raising awareness on linkages between biodiversity and livelihoods, including discussions on the practical experience of rural communities to protecting or restoring ecosystems, and linkages to indigenous and local communities, climate change adaptation, and gender mainstreaming (IUCN, Livelihoods Fund, the Fond Français pour l’Environnement Mondiale (FFEM), Ramsar Convention, Danone, CBD, Livelihoods Venture, WEDO, European Commission)

13 Oct: 20/20 Talks: 20 Presentations on 20 Targets at COP11

A series of dynamic lectures based upon the 20 Aichi Targets. Experts from around the world will share their unique and personal/professional perspectives on each Aichi Target. Speakers include: Tim Hircsh, Pavan Sukhdev, Serge Garcia, Tim Christophersen, Peter Kenmore, Patricio Bernal, David Obura, Trevor Sandwith, Russ Mittermeier, Carlos Manuel Rodriguez, Sasha Alexander, Pierre du Plessis, Caroline Petersen, Joji Carino, Gustavo Fonseca, and others. These informative and inspiring talks are part of a wider programme promoting awareness of the Targets, inaugurated at CBD COP11. See the 20/20 Talks online!

15 Oct: Land Day 6: Land Degradation Neutrality - A Response to the Aichi Targets

Demonstrating synergistic benefits of coordinated implementation of the three Rio Conventions in meeting the Aichi Biodiversity Targets, particularly Targets 7 and 15; and to showcase successful case studies of implementing the CBD through pursuing a ‘land-degradation neutral world’. Focused sessions on: 1. the implications of drylands land restoration; 2. the economics of climate change, ecosystems, biodiversity, and land degradation; and 3. How alternative production models bridge the gap between agriculture, food and land policies (UNCCD, Governments of India, South Africa and Germany, International Foundation for Organic Agriculture (IFOAM), CBD and Partners)

16 Oct: REDD+ Day

Synergistic linkages between the REDD+ and biodiversity agendas, and the catalytic role and impacts that forest carbon finance and related sector transformational policies can play in the transition to a green economy. Including discussions on REDD+ safeguards, launch of the Little Forest Finance Book, and high-level panel on REDD+ Biodiversity, and Ecosystem Services (UN-REDD Programme (FAO, UNDP, UNEP), CBD and partners)

17 Oct: Ecosystem Restoration

Outlining the socio-economic and ecological rationale for implementing and scaling up ecosystem restoration actions on the ground; Highlighting the significant contributions of ecosystem restoration to achieving existing global and national targets and commitments; and a joint Hyderabad Call for a Concerted Global Effort on Ecosystem Restoration(Governments of India, Republic of Korea, and South Africa; Ramsar Convention, CBD, UNCCD, UNDP, Society for Ecological Restoration, IUCN, UNFF, GEF, UNEP, UNFCCC)

See the Hyderabad Call for a Concerted Effort on Ecosystem Restoration.

18 Oct: Towards Integrated Implementation of the Rio Conventions

A youth panel will discuss livelihoods and local communities as they relate to marine and coastal areas, followed by a session on the development and implementation of national-level joint activities between the Rio Conventions. The afternoon sessions will explore the linkages between sustainable development, business strategies, and trade issues(Go4BioDiv, GEF, EC, Rio Conventions, Government of South Africa, and partners)